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Monthly Archives: June 2021

Tips for frying food from an "air fryer"

Tips for frying food from an “air fryer”

Air fryer the most popular kitchen appliances right now. Because not only can cook a good fried food. But the food that came out had no use of frying oil or any oil from the meat left to be seen. Therefore, the oil-free fryer is the most suitable

10 ways to reduce hair loss in men

10 ways to reduce hair loss in men

Hair loss is the most common problem in the world. That affects 1:3 of the population. Everyone loses 100 hairs each day. It’s a natural phenomenon. so no need to worry There can be many causes of hair loss, including diet, mineral deficiencies, stress, and genetics. Wearing a hat can

Windows 11, Microsoft released a new version

Windows 11, Microsoft released a new version

Microsoft release Windows 11, a new version of the operating system. That has been redesign many things. to provide a better experience for users. Which is expect to be available at the end of this year. But if we want to be the first to try Windows 11,